
Use the "spin down" indicator in the left column to expand the tree items to view sub-categories and files. You will only see items listed for which you have permissions to download.

Download Categories
This includes files that did not specify a download category.
Assignments / Calendar
Club Laptop Update and details
Description of all events around the new club laptop purchase, setup and usaagge possibilities with the clubs equipment.
Competition Rules
Photography related education
These files are for members to download to enhance knowledge about photography
.xlsx 75K
Document: 2024 WOCC Scoring Book.xlsx
Available for download by: Everyone
Last Updated: 7/23/2024 11:22 AM EDT by Owen Papke
.doc 31K
File: Judging Guidelines
Available for download by: Everyone
Last Updated: 11/6/2011 10:11 PM EST by Diane Ross
.xlsx 74K
Document: Scoring File
Available for download by: Everyone
Last Updated: 6/20/2024 10:26 PM EDT by Owen Papke

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